I learned a few lessons during my blogging career. One key lesson: never give up on a blogging strategy before the tactic bear’s fruit.
Working any technique takes time, generous service, patience and persistence. No one succeeds until passing the persistence test.
But way too many bloggers reverse this basic law of blogging success.
If you don’t know what is a blog, then simply follow the link and learn more.
Most give up on blogging strategies at the drop of a hat because they did not make much money or drive heavy traffic with the approach.

Never give up quickly and easily. Develop tenacity. Blog for a fun reason. Blog for a freeing reason. I love blogging for fun. I enjoy helping people to blog.
Holding this intent makes me persistent by habit. Why would I quit blogging? My motivator flows from within.
Unless I stopped having fun I will never quit blogging for money or traffic reasons because each has little hold on me.
I do enjoy profiting. I also love receiving blog traffic. But I do not heavily attach to either metric outcome because heavy attachments lead to struggles, failure and eventual quitting.
Observe common quitting reasons like lacking profits, traffic and business.
Bloggers scan numbers on a screen, feel bad then quit based on the bad feeling. What if you felt good no matter what the numbers on the screen suggested?
What if you felt largely at peace no matter what the traffic, profits and sales numbers appeared to look like?
Reaching this serene space guarantees you never give up on any blogging strategy for traffic, profits or sales metrics.
None of these metrics stirs you, being happy to blog for fun, you simply keep blogging independently on numbers appearing on a screen.
Imagine blogging almost solely for the love of blogging. Being in this space makes you appear to be tenaciously persistent to a world of bloggers who feel fear looking at screen numbers.
Bloggers wonder how you do it. But you do not put in more effort as much as you blog for different reasons.
Why would you quit on any strategy if you mainly worked the strategy to have fun helping people?
Everything comes down to your driver. But it sure helps to know good things require time, generous service and a willingness to be patient, persistent and tenacious in all you do.
For example, genuine blog commenting campaigns yield tremendous results over the long haul. But few bloggers possess the patience to see blog commenting yield fruit.
Commenting mainly to get backlinks quickly is a terrible idea. Commenting mostly to get traffic and profits is a horrible idea.
Both getting based strategies result in failure and quitting because backlinks, traffic and profits require time and generous service to take form.
Relax. Accept how you will be blogging for a while. You may as well own this simple truth to not give up on any blogging strategy before the strategy bears fruit.
I am still working the same techniques deep into my blogging career.
I blog mainly to show love, to have fun and to enjoy the blogging process. Not much else drives me. Holding each intent allows me to keep blogging through thick, thin and everything in between.
I only release strategies no longer deeply resonating with my being. Sometimes, we outgrow techniques. Growing hinges on releasing certain tactics.
But I do not quit on strategies for appearing to see any lack of traffic and profits because good things require time and generous service.
About the Author
Ryan Biddulph helps bloggers retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging at Blogging From Paradise.
This is a guest post by Ryan Biddulph founder of Blogging From Paradise. If you also want to write for our website then please check out the write for us page.
What a great article. Lots of helpful info in case you are thinking to give up on blogging. Thanks for sharing.
Hey, thanks for your comment, Jerry.
Glad you liked it.