We are super excited to announce the launch of the new logo as part of the ongoing evolution of our brand Blog’s Mastery.
Announcing our new logo and look on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti.
Lat us celebrate the Gandhiji jayanti by remembering Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhiji and by following the path of truth, non-violence, humanity and equality which he showed us.
We dedicate our new identity to the great Mahatma Gandhi on his birth anniversary.
Our professional blogging journey has grown and evolved over the last two years, and now it is time for a change.
We have changed our logo to reflect who we are today and to express our progressive future.

We are releasing an updated brand identity, which includes a new logo, new colours, and the text font. You will notice the new look everywhere we have published our logo publicly.
You can find it on our website, Facebook Page, LinkedIn Page and Twitter Profile; very soon you’ll see it in all of our creatives, as well.
We believe the new look better matches what we’ve become since 2020: a provider of thoughtful blogging and SEO tips that improves your blogging journey and empower you to create a sustainable income source as per your convenience.